
作者:LOL比赛赌注平台   时间:2022-09-21 17:55


“更加有活力地发展信用服务市场”是《规划》的主要目标之一。 《方案》提出,力争使上海成为国内信用服务人才和产业交流的“首选地”之一。通过政策引导、完善配套、优化布局,打造一批技术先进、带动作用强的信用“名牌产品”,培育和孵化一批具有知名度和影响力的信用“名企”,并创建了一批行业特色突出的信用“名企”。名园”。


LOL比赛赌注平台上海市16个区中有四分之一被选为社会信用体系建设示范区。 2019年8月,上海市浦东新区、上海市嘉定区入选第二批社会信用体系建设示范城市(城区);今年9月,上海市徐汇区、上海市普陀区入选第三批社会信用体系建设示范城市。


此外,几年前,上海开始探索集聚信贷产业。 2017年2月,上海市普陀区人民政府向上海市征信办提交了《上海市信用服务产业基地建设方案》。据中弘网报道,2017年4月,上海建立了全国首个以信贷服务为特色的产业基地,落户上海市普陀区。




LOL比赛赌注平台NO.1 加大市场培育


进一步释放政府信贷需求,促进市场供给与公共需求相适应打造诚信网络 建设信用中国 中国政府,鼓励信贷服务机构参与行业信贷管理。





NO.2 规范行业发展

推进企业征信机构备案管理打造诚信网络 建设信用中国 中国政府,加强个人征信信息安全管理和个人隐私保护打造诚信网络 建设信用中国 中国政府,促进征信市场健康发展。加强对银行间债券市场信用评级业务的监督管理,规范信用评级机构发展,提升行业公信力。

NO.3 加强行业自律














——信用数字化转型正在加速。充分发挥上海信用产业基础、丰富的数据资源和应用场景优势,推动信用数字技术研发应用走在全国前列打造诚信网络 建设信用中国 中国政府,成为服务业高质量发展的新引擎信用。





1、完善信用承诺制度,有效激发市场主体活力。全面落实认证事项和涉企营业执照事项告知承诺制度,大大提高办事便利性。明确通知承诺制度实施的事项范围和适用对象,建立通知承诺信用信息记录、收集、推送工作机制,推动承诺信息和合同履行情况向社会公开信用平台依法合规。 (市政府办公厅、市司法局、市发展改革委牵头,联席会议成员单位、市信用中心按职责分工负责。)推行投资承诺制,提高项目实施速度。开展企业投资项目承诺制改革试点,探索建立政府标准、企业承诺、过程监管强、失信惩戒的管理模式。 (市发展改革委、自贸试验区临港新区管委会分别负责)鼓励行业协会等行业组织建立健全行业内信用承诺制度,开展行业自律信贷承诺。 (联席会议成员单位按职责分工负责)

2、 开展信用分级分类,加快提升政府管理效率。建立健全科学的公共信用综合评价体系,开展市场主体公共信用综合评价,构建覆盖市场主体全生命周期的信用动态监测体系。 (市发展改革委、市征信中心牵头)全面推进各行业信用分类评价管理,加快行业信用评价标准建设,深化行业、政策评价结果日常监管在综合应用方面,根据企业信用状况采取差异化管理措施。 (联席会议成员单位按职责分工负责)

3、加强信用激励和惩罚,建立健全信用修复机制。依法依规开展守信激励和严重失信主体名单认定管理,促进信用奖惩机制规范运行。大力推行守信激励,对守信主体在同等条件下给予宽容接纳、简化程序、信用加分、优先支持等激励措施。 (联席会议成员单位按职责分工负责。)依法依规开展失信惩戒,继续在农民工工资支付、交通运输、交通运输等重点领域实施失信专项治理。 -商业和信用服务机构。 (市人力资源和社会保障局、市交通运输委、市商务委、市发展改革委、市高级人民法院等牵头)优化信用修复流程,建立健全规范化信用修复机制建立各领域信息联动处理和修复反馈工作机制,为失信主体信用修复提供便利。 (市发展改革委牵头,联席会议成员单位按职责分工负责)


1、全面提升公共信用平台整体枢纽服务水平。推动市级公共信用平台与全国信用信息共享平台、信用长三角平台、各区、行业信用子平台互联互通,建设一体化综合信用情报中心。 (市征信中心牵头)健全完善与市大数据资源平台的协同联动机制,围绕数据、技术、业务制定相应的数据标准、接口规范、调用规则,实现各类数据的汇集和共享信用信息的类型。逐步形成与部门应用系统的深度融合。 (市信用中心、市大数据中心牵头)加快市公共信用平台二期建设,提供智能分析、监测预警、风险预警、信用地图等功能服务,构建集信用数据采集和多维应用为一体的基础性信用平台,更好地服务政府和市场应用。 (市征信中心牵头)

2、 深化征信数据资源共享开放。依托城市二级大数据资源平台和市级公共信用平台,结合信用应用需求,推动公共信用数据向区级子平台落地共享,支持基层社会治理和人民群众生活。民生服务。以公共信用主体数据库为依托,推动公共信用数据和社会数据更广泛、更深入地共享,依法有序丰富公共信用平台数据资源,推动信用产品和信用产品研发。商业模式改革创新。依托公共数据开放平台,加大公共信用数据开放力度,建立数据开放清单,对公共信用数据进行分级分类管理,明确数据开放类型和条件等,促进信用数据最大化信用数据的价值。按照本市公共数据管理有关规定,加强信用数据保护,健全信用信息安全管理体系。 (市征信中心、市大数据中心、市经信委牵头)

3、加快推进信贷产品科技赋能。引导信用服务机构、大数据公司等市场主体充分利用大数据、人工智能、区块链、云计算等前沿技术,加强公共信用信息与市场信用信息的融合,发展信用评估、关联分析、信用指数、风险预警等产品,不断提升专业化、智能化水平,满足多元化、个性化的政府管理、市场交易、社会治理等应用场景的需求。 (市发改委牵头)



1、加大市场培育力度。充分发挥政府引导和市场引领作用,加快培育壮大一批具有较强市场公信力和影响力的信用服务机构。加强市区信用建设专项资金支持,打造一批特色鲜明、相对集中的信用服务产业园区,形成对上下游信用生态链的强大吸附力。 (市发展改革委、各区政府牵头)进一步释放政府信贷需求,促进市场供给与公众需求相适应,鼓励信贷服务机构参与行业信贷管理。 (联席会议各成员单位按职责分工负责)成立国有控股市级企业征信机构,探索推进地方公共信用信息、金融信用信息和市场信用信息的整合共享信息。 (市发展改革委、市国资委、市地方金融监管局、人民银行上海总部牵头)围绕“一带一路”等国家战略倡议和金融对外开放,支持信用服务机构拓展国际业务,服务企业境外投资。 (市征信服务行业协会牵头)引导征信机构积极参与长三角征信一体化合作,充分发挥长三角征信机构联盟作用,促进跨区域征信信息查询和共享,参与长三角征信链建设。 (中国人民银行上海总部牵头)

2、规范行业发展。推进企业征信机构备案管理,加强个人征信信息安全管理和个人隐私保护,促进征信市场健康发展。加强对银行间债券市场信用评级业务的监督管理,规范信用评级机构建设,提升行业公信力。 (中国人民银行上海总部牵头)

3、加强行业自律。加强信用服务行业自身信用建设,支持建设行业综合管理平台,建立信用服务机构和从业人员信用档案,开展信用服务行业统计。建立机构产品和服务目录,不断加大宣传推广力度。做强“长三角信用论坛”等服务品牌,开展行业交流合作。 (市信用服务行业协会牵头)



支持临港新区先行先试,提供高水平信贷体系供给、优质信贷产品供给、高效信贷场景供给,率先形成适合特殊经济的信贷管理体系功能区和现代新城建设。依托临港新区综合信息管理服务平台,加强各类信用数据的采集和共享,开展符合应用需求的区域综合信用评级评价。推动洋山特区综合保税区在市场监管等领域建立“一般+专业”的信用评价指标体系,按照“守法便民”的原则,将信用评级作为企业享受优惠政策和制度便利的重要依据。支持商业银行机构自主优化诚信合规企业离岸转售业务审核流程。在境外投资、跨境资金收付、离岸贸易等方面,建立信用风险监测和动态预警管理机制,全面提升风险防范水平。 (自贸试验区临港新区管委会牵头)


联合三省,共同推动长三角地区完善信用体系,畅通信息流通,加强联合监管,优化信用环境,为实现高质量融合发展提供区域样本的信用。依托全国信用信息共享平台和中国长三角网站,推进信用长三角平台信息采集与共享。 (市发改委牵头)深化和推进文化旅游、生态环境、食品医药、产品质量等领域信用整合,探索建立跨区域信用联动合作在安全生产、青年志愿者、消费者购物等领域建立机制。 (市文化和旅游局牵头、市生态环境局、市市场监管局、市药品监督管理局、市应急局、团市委、市商务委等)支持分享长三角各区市之间的信用信息,促进信用惠民应用场景的互认和互通。 (区政府牵头)深化综合示范区公共征信实施,推动信用信息嵌入政务综合服务平台,在示范区创建统一的信用监管模式,形成一批行政审批、普惠金融等场景的特色应用。 (由综合示范区执行委员会和青浦区政府牵头)


着力推进高端商业、会展、金融等领域信用赋能,推动信用信息与物流、资金流等高效便捷融合,全面提升资源配置水平。依托公共征信平台和大数据资源平台,加快区域征信系统功能建设,加大区域总部企业征信信息采集力度打造诚信网络 建设信用中国 中国政府,引导金融机构、信用评级机构等查询申请各类企业信用信息。 (由虹桥商务区管委会牵头)推动虹桥商务区有实力、有信誉的企业通过自由贸易账户开展新型国际贸易。 (人民银行上海总部、市商务委、虹桥商务区管委会牵头)探索建立公共信用信息与金融信用信息互补机制,研究融合新路径公开和金融信用信息。 (人民银行上海总部、市发改委牵头)



1、加快推进科研诚信。积极倡导诚信是科学精神的必然要求,应建立全覆盖、全流程的科技信用管理体系。建设市级科技信用信息平台,加强科技信用信息共享和应用。将科研诚信建设要求严格落实到立项指导、立项审查、过程管理、最终验收和监督评价等科技计划管理全过程。在科技计划项目、创新基地、科技奖励工作中,建立科研诚信承诺制度,对科技计划项目申请人进行科研诚信审查。对探索性强、不确定性高的科技项目,建立鼓励创新、容忍失败的容错纠错机制。 (市科委牵头)


2、大力发展科技和金融信贷。建立促进科技创新的信用增级机制,鼓励金融机构利用信用信息加强风险防控,创新金融产品和服务,发展符合条件的信用贷款、知识产权质押融资、履约贷款等融资服务。科技企业的需求。为符合条件的科技初创公司提供融资支持。 (上海银保监局、市地方金融监管局、市知识产权局、市科委牵头)围绕科创板注册制改革,依法开展信息披露工作,进一步加强证券市场诚信档案建设。扩大信用报告替代无违法违规证明试点范围,发挥信用产品对科技企业上市的支撑作用。 (上海证监局、市地方金融监管局、市科委牵头)

3、建立健全知识产权信用管理体系。推进知识产权领域信用分类监管试点,建立科学合理的知识产权信用分类指标体系,开展信用信息记录收集、分类评价和奖惩。依托国家知识产权代理机构信用信息系统,开展全市专利商标代理机构信用监管,加强信用核查在市专利工作试点示范单位申报、认定、审查中的应用。依法公开商标和代理机构相关信用信息,严厉打击非法商标注册、异常专利申请等违法行为。 (Led by the Municipal Intellectual Property Office)

(二)Deepen credit to promote high-quality development of the real economy

1、Continue to promote innovation in financial service credit. Promote the "Xinyidai" model on a larger scale and with greater efforts, and create a financial service ecosystem of "information sharing, credit empowerment, and financing matching". Improve the construction of a comprehensive credit service platform for financing small and medium-sized enterprises in this city, and provide credit financing matching services for small and micro enterprises and financial institutions. (Led by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Credit Center) Establish a diversified financing risk mitigation and sharing mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises, and introduce financing guarantee services, professional credit services, etc., to reduce corporate financing costs. Encourage all kinds of financial institutions and local financial organizations to actively develop credit products, and innovate credit financing service models through the integration and sharing of public and market credit information. (Led by the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau and the Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

2、Strengthen the construction of a credit system for fiscal and taxation management. Deepen the application of government procurement credit, and promote the reference and use of public credit information in the management process of suppliers, procurement agencies, and review experts. Accelerate the establishment of a government procurement credit evaluation mechanism, and focus on improving the standards and rules for buyers to evaluate supplier performance. Carry out classified credit supervision of accounting firms and bookkeeping agencies, and improve differentiated risk disposal measures. The tax credit evaluation mechanism shall be optimized, and taxpayer dynamic credit rating classification and intelligent risk supervision shall be implemented. Continue to optimize the bank-tax interaction and cooperation model, expand safe and compliant sharing channels, and release tax credit dividends. (Led by the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Taxation Bureau)

3、Deepen the credit management of import and export trade. Strengthen the credit rating evaluation and classified supervision of import and export enterprises, strengthen the mutual recognition of international customs AEO, and implement incentives for import and export enterprises with high integrity and perfect quality management to enjoy convenient customs clearance and release, so as to enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises. In areas under special customs supervision, explore integrated institutional arrangements such as electronic account books, credit supervision, risk monitoring, etc., to improve a smart, intelligent, efficient and convenient comprehensive customs supervision model, and to improve the efficiency of goods and capital flows. Relying on the "single window" for international trade, implement characteristic credit applications such as trade financing, credit insurance, and export tax rebates, and expand the scope of "whitelist" enterprises for offshore trade business under free trade accounts. Enterprises are encouraged to use credit services such as credit information, credible counterparty recommendation, and untrustworthy warnings in cross-border trade activities to effectively resolve credit risks. (Led by Shanghai Customs and Municipal Commission of Commerce)

4、Effectively improve the level of business integrity construction. Serve the construction of Shanghai as an international consumption center city and optimize the market environment of honest consumption. Establish and improve the online economic credit evaluation mechanism, support platform-based enterprises to implement the credit evaluation of settled merchants, upstream and downstream enterprises, and users, and further improve online transaction risk credit management. Strengthen the classification and grading supervision of credit in commercial fields such as single-purpose prepaid cards, and promote industry associations and key enterprises to carry out classification management of merchants' credit. Upgrade and transform the function of the business integrity platform, publish the business circle integrity index, and continue to promote offline retail enterprises to return goods without reason within seven days. Promote the construction of a comprehensive housekeeping service management platform, improve the credit system in the field of housekeeping, implement the star rating of housekeeping personnel and the rating of housekeeping institutions, and build a Shanghai housekeeping service brand. (Led by the Municipal Commission of Commerce)

(三)In-depth promotion of credit service city high quality life

1、Increase credit protection for elderly care services. Strengthen the old-age service management system with credit as the core, quality as the guarantee, and equal emphasis on decentralization and supervision, and establish the credit records of old-age service institutions and practitioners. Carry out a comprehensive assessment of the credit status and performance capabilities of elderly care service institutions, guide and encourage elderly care service institutions to operate in good faith and law-abiding, and form an efficient, standardized, and fair competition elderly care service market. (Led by the Civil Affairs Bureau)

2、Improve the education and teaching credit supervision mechanism. Establish and improve the evaluation system for private education and training institutions, implement credit rating assessment and dynamic management of private training institutions and private day care institutions, improve education and teaching, and standardize the order of off-campus training. Carry out the construction of school teachers' morality and style, establish the integrity files of teaching staff and students in educational institutions, and explore the formation of an application mechanism for staff access credit information. (led by the Municipal Education Commission)

3、Strengthen the supporting role of medical and health credit. Strengthen the credit supervision of medical institutions, and establish a credit record and grade evaluation system for medical institutions. Punish medical personnel in accordance with the law, such as intentionally harming medical personnel and disrupting medical order, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of medical personnel. Improve the medical price and credit evaluation mechanism for recruitment and purchase, and carry out medical security credit evaluation and information disclosure. Promote smart and convenient medical service models such as "credit appointment" and "payment after diagnosis and treatment" to improve the medical experience. Improve the credit rating and classification management standard system for drug, medical device, and cosmetics production and business units. (Led by the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, and the Municipal Drug Administration)

4、Strengthen credit management in the fields of construction and housing security. Focusing on key links of engineering construction such as survey, design, construction, supervision, and testing, implement enterprise credit rating evaluation. Strengthen the credit management of real estate development, brokerage and housing leasing companies, and employees, carry out incentives for keeping promises and punishments for dishonesty, and improve the level of industry autonomy. Improve the credit supervision mechanism of the property industry, promote the recognition of credit management commitments and untrustworthiness grades of property service enterprises, and strengthen the application of evaluation results. (Led by the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee and the Municipal Housing Administration)

5、Promote the integrity of the cultural tourism industry. Strengthen the credit evaluation and classification supervision of cultural tourism market players such as travel agencies, and promote the use of credit information and evaluation results in business licensing, outbound travel verification, and deposit of quality assurance funds. Carry out credit supervision of sports and fitness enterprises and improve the level of self-discipline in the industry. Promote cultural venues such as libraries, art galleries, museums, and popular science venues to carry out credit-benefiting services. (Led by the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Municipal Sports Bureau)

(四)Comprehensively improve the high-efficiency governance level of credit empowerment society


1、Accelerate the construction of an important product traceability system. Focusing on agricultural products, medicines, etc., establish a whole-process and whole-chain credit information traceability system for agricultural products from "farmland to dining table" and medicines from "lab to hospital", so that the source can be traced, the destination can be traced, and the responsibility can be held. In establishing corporate credit files and carrying out credit evaluation, the company will make full use of traceability information to promote daily supervision and risk prevention and control of product quality, and ensure product quality and safety in all aspects of production, circulation, and sales. (Led by Municipal Agriculture Committee, Municipal Drug Administration, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, etc.)

2、Improve the transportation credit management system. Promote the construction of "credit transportation" in subdivided fields such as road transportation, water transportation, waterway engineering construction, highway engineering construction, and safety production. Strengthen the record, exchange and sharing of credit information of transportation enterprises and practitioners, and study and explore the record, exchange and sharing of public travel credit. Realize the interconnection between the industry supervision system and the national transportation credit information sharing platform. Encourage and guide transportation industry scientific research institutes, social organizations and other institutions to carry out transportation industry credit evaluation. (Led by the Municipal Transportation Commission)

3、Accelerate the construction of the ecological environment credit system. Strengthen corporate environmental credit information records and mandatory environmental governance information disclosure, introduce the city's corporate environmental credit evaluation management measures, and accelerate the promotion of the "Environmental Credit Code" innovative evaluation model. Implement the credit classification management of environmental monitoring socialized service institutions. (led by the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment)

4、Strengthen the application of grassroots governance credit. Innovate credit management methods and integrate into the construction of "one network unified management". Focus on emergency management, urban grid management, urban management law enforcement and other fields, strengthen the real-time acquisition and analysis of credit data, realize comprehensive situation awareness, risk monitoring and early warning, intelligent trend research and judgment, and build a new model of community and street credit digital management. (Led by the Municipal Emergency Bureau, the Municipal Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau, etc.) Promote the construction of village regulations and community conventions, and enhance self-discipline and autonomy. (Civil Affairs Bureau and district governments take the lead)

5、 Deeply promote the construction of network integrity. Build a credit-based supervision mechanism in the field of Internet information services, improve the pre-commitment system for Internet companies, deepen the credit classification supervision model during the event, and establish an ex-post credit reward and punishment system. Promote integrity publicity and education, guide Internet companies and platforms to operate with integrity in accordance with the law, improve internal integrity norms and mechanisms, and create a clear cyberspace. (Led by the Cyberspace Administration of the Municipal Party Committee)

五、Actively create a good environment for the construction and development of the social credit system

(一)Strengthen organizational coordination

Give full play to the overall coordination role of the Municipal Social Credit System Construction Joint Conference, strengthen departmental coordination and upper-level linkage, and do a good job in organizing, promoting, guiding and supervising daily work. All districts and departments should perform their respective responsibilities, promote the implementation of the credit system construction in their respective regions and industries, scientifically formulate specific policies and measures and annual work plans, effectively connect with this action plan, and integrate the actions determined in the action plan. All key tasks and measures have been implemented. (The member units of the joint meeting are responsible according to their responsibilities)

(二)Strengthen the construction of government integrity

Improve the mechanism for the government to keep its promises and fulfill its promises, establish an evaluation index system for government integrity, conduct annual government integrity evaluations for government agencies and district governments, and improve the level of government integrity in administration and civil servants' awareness of integrity in performing their duties. (Led by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission) Implement the special governance on the untrustworthiness of government agencies, urge government departments at all levels to strictly perform various statutory and agreed obligations, further enhance the government's credibility, and set an example for the construction of the entire social credit system. (led by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(三)Improve the talent training mechanism

Strengthen the construction of credit service talent teams, promote the construction of majors and disciplines related to credit management in colleges and universities, and carry out multi-level credit education work including degree education and on-the-job training. (Led by the Municipal Education Commission) Encourage credit service institutions, scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises to jointly explore a credit talent training mechanism that meets market demand, cultivate a group of compound talents who can break through the key technologies of credit products and drive the cross-field development of credit applications, and carry out forward-looking Sexual theory research and technology research and development. (led by the Municipal Credit Service Industry Association)

(四)Optimize credit construction environment

LOL比赛赌注平台Vigorously promote the core values ​​of integrity and carry out publicity activities on the theme of integrity. Strengthen the integrity education of civil servants, scientific researchers, lawyers, accountants and other key professional groups and youth groups, increase the popularization of integrity knowledge education, and make the concept of integrity deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Encourage all kinds of media to actively publicize the advanced deeds of honesty and trustworthiness, vigorously popularize the concept of honesty, awareness of rules and the spirit of contract, strengthen positive guidance, and promote the formation of a social trend of advocating honesty and keeping promises. (The member units of the joint meeting are responsible according to their responsibilities)